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Choosing the right installer

Now that Hunchly natively supports ARM processors, you'll see two download links for Linux and Mac. This guide will show you how to choose the right installer for your machine.


  1. Go to the upper right hand side and click the Apple icon
  2. In the sub-menu, click "About this Mac"

  3. In the window that pops up, you will see a field for "Chip" or "Processor."

  1. If you have a chip that says "Apple," choose the "Apple Chip" download link. If you have a processor that says "Intel," choose the "Intel Chip" download link.


  1. Open a terminal window
  2. Type dpkg —-print-architecture

    2. If the output is arm64 , select the ARM download link. If it's amd64 , or anything with amd , select the AMD download link.

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