Installing Hunchly on Linux

This article will show you how to get Hunchly installed on Linux. It's easy peasy!

System Requirements

  • Ubuntu 20.04 LTS 64bit or newer
    • Hunchly for Linux is built and verified on Ubuntu; other modern Debian- or Ubuntu-based distros like Linux Mint, Kali Linux, and TraceLabs OSINT VM should work but may require more effort to set up
  • 4GB of RAM
  • 80GB of free hard drive space

Installation Steps

1. Make sure you have Google Chrome installed and that it is not running during the installation. Download and install it from here:

2. Download the Hunchly installer from

!! Not sure which installer you need? Check this guide: Choosing the right installer

3. Download the license key file that was emailed to you when you purchased a Hunchly subscription or signed up for a trial - it should be named something like "hunchlylicense_2021-12-21.hlic". If you do not have a key, you can get one for free from here:

4. Right-click on the downloaded "hunchly.deb" installer and click on "Open with Other Application"

5. Click on "Software Installer" and click "Select"

6. When Software Installer opens, click the green "Install" button

7. Open Google Chrome and make sure Hunchly is there. You might need to click the puzzle piece icon at the top-right of Chrome to see Hunchly. If you don't see Hunchly, please install the Hunchly browser extension from this link:

Installation Video (2:04)

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