Hunchly Advanced Install Guide

The Windows installer for Hunchly supports a silent command line based installation that allows you to define where the Hunchly data is stored, where to copy in a license key and what path you wish to have Hunchly installed under.

The command line variables are as follows:

DATA_DIRECTORY_PATH – this I the location for the Hunchly data. Use the parent path of a folder, and the installer will create a HunchlyData folder within it.

APPDIR – this is the location where you wish to install Hunchly on the local hard drive.

LICENSE_LOCATION_PATH (optional)– this the folder where the hunchlylicense.key file is located, and it will be copied in to the HunchlyData folder. If you wish to have the Hunchly license file in a central location please see the Hunchly Configuration section below.

To run the Hunchly installer with the above options set, here is an example:

msiexec.exe /i hunchlyinstaller.msi APPDIR="C:\Program Files (x86)\Hunchly 2" DATA_DIRECTORY_PATH="C:\Users\CorporateUser1\Documents" LICENSE_LOCATION_PATH="\\FileServer\SoftwareLicenses"

Hunchly Configuration File

There is a Hunchly configuration file that can be used to set options useful for enterprise deployment or convenience. The file is named hunchly.ini and can be found in the following places. Note that you must map network drives to a real drive letter in Windows in order for the settings to work properly.

Windows – C:\Program Files (x86)\Hunchly\Dashboard\hunchly.ini

Mac OSX - /Applications/

Linux - /opt/hunchly/hunchly.ini

The following settings can be modified:

data_directory (required)– the folder where Hunchly stores all of its case data.

license_location (optional) – the location of the hunchlylicense.key file.

default_save_location (optional) – this is a convenience setting so that any Save-As dialog box that pops open in the Hunchly dashboard will default to the location that you set.

settings_json_location (optional) – this will allow Hunchly to load in a saved setting.json file to setup the user with default settings. This will overwrite any existing settings, but the import only takes place once.

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