Changing Hunchly's Data Folder

This article will show you how to migrate your Hunchly data directory to a new location. You'll want to follow these steps if, for example, you'd like to store your case files on a server that gets backed up more often than your PC.


Windows 10/11

  1. Close all Chrome windows, and close the Hunchly Dashboard
  2. Navigate to your HunchlyData folder. By default, it's in "Documents"
  3. Copy the HunchlyData folder to the location you want to store your case data
  4. Open the start menu, and search for "Notepad". Right click on Notepad and click "Run as Administrator"
  5. In Notepad, click File > Open, and open this file: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Hunchly 2\Dashboard\hunchly.ini". 
  6. Change the text to the right of "data_directory=" to the location that you copied the HunchlyData folder to.
    • For example, the line might look like data_directory=C:\Users\Phil\Desktop\HunchlyData if I moved the HunchlyData folder to my desktop, or data_directory=\\server\example\HunchlyData if I moved the HunchlyData folder to a server (here named "server")
  7. Open the Hunchly Dashboard. You should see all your cases. If not, contact us at

Mac OS X

  1. Exit Chrome by right clicking the Chrome icon in the dock and clicking "Quit"
  2. Close the Hunchly Dashboard
  3. Navigate to your HunchlyData folder. By default, it's in your Home folder (from the menu bar, click Go > Home)
  4. Copy the HunchlyData folder to the location you would like your Hunchly data stored in
  5. Open the Terminal app
  6. Open the "~/Library/Application Support/Hunchly 2/hunchly.ini" file with your text editor of choice
    1. For example, using the "nano" editor: nano "~/Library/Application Support/Hunchly 2/hunchly.ini"
    2. Note: If the Hunchly 2 folder doesn't exist, you can first create one using the command:mkdir ~/Library/Application\ Support/Hunchly\ 2

      then do step 6.a.

  7. Set the text to the right of "data_directory=" to the location that you copied the HunchlyData folder to.
    • For example, the line might look like data_directory=/Users/Phil/Desktop/HunchlyData if I moved the HunchlyData folder to my desktop, or data_directory=/Volumes/server/example/HunchlyData if I moved the HunchlyData folder to a server (here named "server")
  8. Open the Hunchly Dashboard. You should see all your cases. If not, contact us at


  1. Close all Chrome windows, and close the Hunchly Dashboard
  2. Navigate to your HunchlyData directory. By default, it's in "Documents"
  3. Copy the HunchlyData directory to the folder you'd like your Hunchly data stored in
  4. Open the hunchly.ini file with your text editor of choice. On Ubuntu, this file is located at /usr/lib/hunchly/hunchly.ini
    • For example, using the "nano" editor: sudo nano /usr/lib/hunchly/hunchly.ini
  5. Change the text to the right of "data_directory=" to the location that you copied the HunchlyData folder to.
    • For example, the line might look like data_directory=/home/Phil/Desktop/HunchlyData if I moved the HunchlyData folder to my desktop
  6. Open the Hunchly Dashboard. You should see all your cases. If not, contact us at

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