Using Hunchly Cloud for the First Time

Before You Begin

Hopefully you've already gone through Getting Started. If not, it is highly recommended to make sure you have no trouble signing in.

In this article we will go through starting to use Hunchly Cloud for the first time, the service that is providing Hunchly Cloud workspaces, and the really cool features included!

Getting Started

When starting to use Hunchly Cloud for the first time (or with a non-persistent profile workspace) the HunchlyData directory will not be initialized. We will need this to store our case files. Thankfully, all we need to do is open Hunchly and this folder will automatically be generated for us. Double-click Hunchly 2 on the workspace desktop to get this done.

Since the Hunchly extension is already installed in your browser, this is all we need to do for initial configuration. Now all we need to do is typical Hunchly setup such as creating a case and organizing your tags and selectors.

In the next section we'll talk more about Hunchly Cloud and the service it is hosted on, Kasm.

Hunchly Cloud and Kasm

Hunchly Cloud is hosted through a service called Kasm. Kasm is a workspace streaming service that provides browser isolation for elevated security. It can easily be accessed through your browser and configured for specific services. In our case, this service is Hunchly!

The great thing about Kasm is that they can provide as many workspaces as your team needs with consistent performance, highly reliable uptime, and accessible anywhere, anytime!

Kasm has several features that make Hunchly Cloud the most useful OSINT tool for you and your team. We'll talk about those in the next section

Why are some of the options in the control panel missing?

Some of the features of the control panel have been disabled to reduce clutter and focus on the most useful functions of the Hunchly Cloud investigator.

All done with this stuff? You may want to check out the Hunchly Cloud FAQ to learn more about the operating system (Linux), where your files are stored, and other commonly asked questions.

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