Hunchly Cloud FAQ

What operating system does Hunchly Cloud run on?

Hunchly Cloud is is running on Ubuntu Linux in a Docker container — a virtualization technology that allows you to package applications or programs into little virtual boxes that can be used for a number of tasks, including as a virtual workspace.

Linux!? I've never used that before. Is it hard to use?

Hunchly Cloud is based on a slimmed down build of Ubuntu 20.04. This version of Linux has a desktop UI very similar to a Windows or MacOS computer. If you know how to use one of those, you can definitely use Hunchly Cloud!

What service provides the workspace for Hunchly Cloud?

We've partnered with our friends at Kasm. Kasm offers a solution that can be used to run many different containerized workspaces and applications. Hunchly Cloud is just one of many options. If you are interested in moving more of your workflow into the cloud, you should definitely check out more of Kasm's solutions.

Where is all of this hosted?

Hunchly Cloud is hosted on the Oracle Cloud Interface (OCI), and servers are running in the OCI Canada Southeast (Toronto) and OCI Germany Central (Frankfurt) data centers. We will add more options in the future to make sure that users are connecting to data centers close to where they are located.

How do I access the Hunchly Cloud platform?

Once you have a Hunchly cloud subscription, head over to and sign up using your subscription ID to create an account. Once you log in you will be in the Hunchly Cloud workspace environment. Hunchly Cloud is always accessible through any web browser, on any operating system and even on mobile devices.

Is my case data safe on Hunchly Cloud?

Kasm Workspaces has been designed with security in mind, and all data is hosted on Oracle Cloud infrastructure.

Where is my case data stored?

The default location for this is .../Documents/HunchlyData, You should leave the case data in this location because this is what will be set up if you use the persistent profile option. If you move it to a different location it may not be saved between sessions. This data is stored with OCI.

Can I transfer a case from my local computer to Hunchly Cloud?

Yes! You can upload data from the control panel.

Can I transfer a case from Hunchly Cloud to my local computer?

Yes! You can download data from the control panel.

Why does my Hunchly license show x number of days remaining?

We are managing the Hunchly license in a way that it will continually be updated, and we do this by providing a special license file. As long as you have an active Hunchly Cloud subscription you don't need to worry about the license expiring.

Can other people use my Hunchly Cloud account?

While this is technically allowed we highly recommend each user have their own account for security reasons. This way each user is in control and responsible for the security of their own account.

Why can't I have multiple persistent profiles?

A persistent profile can be thought of as your home drive or folder. This profile and storage is tied to your account, and stores anything you do during a session with the feature enabled. This means that if you do things like add bookmarks to Chrome, download files, or capture evidence with Hunchly, it will be stored in your folder and available the next time you launch a session.

I started a session with persistent profile disabled and logged off. Where did all my data go?

If you are not using a persistent profile, your data in the session isn't saved for you when you log out. If you want to keep your data on Hunchly Cloud to access from different sessions or at different times, make sure you select a persistent profile when creating a Hunchly Cloud instance.

What does my technical profile look like when I'm using Hunchly Cloud?

Using Hunchly Cloud actually helps to obfuscate the source of your activity on the Internet. When you access the web via the browser in Hunchly Cloud, your IP address will reflect that of the system where everything is hosted - OCI, not your home IP address. The user agent of the system will reflect that it a Linux OS with a Chrome browser.

Why does the dashboard / the extension show that "License file will expire in n days"?

Since Hunchly needs to have a license to work, we are using a rolling license with Hunchly Cloud. This means that the license is updated every 10 days, so you will get a warning that you have some number of days remaning on the license. You can ignore this or dismiss the warning.

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